Celebrate Tahverlee’s New Book!

Sacred Magic: A Witch's Guide to Earth Wisdom

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Life Is Nothing Short Of Everything You Want When You are Able to Access The Gifts That You (Yes, You) Were Born With

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That Ping That You Felt Driving Down The Road...

 That Vision That You "Thought" You Saw Though No One Else Did...

 That Smell Of Smoke That You Always Smell, Even When Nothing's There...


They're all peeks into gifts that are waiting to be developed so you can create the enchantable life you've always dreamt of.


We All Were Born With Them

The Gift of Clear Seeing

The Gift of Clear Hearing

The Gift of Inner Knowing

And More ...

We all have these psychic gifts. All of us. Even if we don't think we do.

And just like other innate talents we might have, like being able to dunk a basketball or run a 9-minute mile, we have to train those psychic muscles to gain full use of them.

It Just Takes Practice... 


To See What's Been Kept Just Out Of Sight


To Access Knowledge From The Other Side Of The Veil


To Tap Into Feelings That Will Guide Your Next And Best Steps


And That's When Everything changes...




Yes! I Want In!

Answers Finally Become Clear

Deep Inner Knowledge Surfaces Exactly When We Need it

Guidance From Spirit Allies And Your Higher Self Becomes Second Nature

...Leading You To A Life That's More Easily Designed The Way You Want It To Be

Challenges Are Less Draining And Less Abundant

Trauma, Pain, And Wounds Fall By The Wayside

You Get So Connected That The Universe Can't Help But Deliver The Things You Want In Life

Yes! I Want Access To My Gifts

How Many Times Have You Asked Yourself, “What Does That Even Mean??”


How Many Times Have You Wished You Could See Into A Past Life To Know What’s Plaguing Your Current One?


How Many Times Did You Wish You Could See The Right Answers So You Could Avoid The Pain Of The Wrong Choice?


The Right Practice Can Lead You To All Of The Information, Knowledge, Connection You’ve Been Missing.

A Hawk Screeching By You, A Snake Showing Up Repeatedly In Places You Wouldn’t Expect, Or A Dancing Orange Flame When There’s No Air To Stir It…


Signs And Signals Like These No Longer Go Unnoticed.


They No Longer Simply Delight You, But They Show Up As Information To Be Perceived And Received, As Communication, As Support When You’ve Put In The Work, Built The Practice, And Spent Time Connecting To Your Psychic And Spiritual Gifts.


And That’s Exactly What We’re Going To Do.


Should You Take That New Job In The Office Or Start Your Own Business? Should You Give Him Yet Another Chance? Why Shouldn’t You Go Into That Store?


Access All The Answers You Need.


Hi! I'm Tahverlee, 

Of All The Things I Teach (And I Teach A Lot), One Of The Most Important And Profound Is The Skill Of Developing Your Psychic Gifts, Your Clairs, Your "Extra" Senses. 
Because It Doesn’t Do Any Good To Be Able To Practice Magic And Try To Build An Enchantable Life If Your Decisions And Actions Actually Run Counter To Your Dreams At Every Turn.
When You Get That “Omgs, No” Feeling In Your Gut, You’ll No Longer Dismiss It As An “Illogical Fear” But As A Warning To Not Go Into That Restaurant.
When You See A Vision In Your Mind’s Eye, You’ll Be Able To Discern If It’s For You Or Someone Else; Whether It’s From The Past, The Present, Or The Future, And You’ll Even Know What To Do With It.
You’ll Finally Understand Messages That You Are Already Receiving But Are Unable To Perceive So You Can Increase Your Chances Of Success In Life, Love, Relationships, Health, And Business Tenfold. 
Yes! I Want In!

Welcome to Extraordinary!

This Is Where You And I Will Walk The Road To Learning To Perceive Your Extra Senses Together.

We’ll Have Lessons In What All The Psychic Gifts You Have Are And Which Ones Are Actually Your Strongest.

We’ll Do Exercises Around Each Of Them So You Can Understand How You Experience Them In Your Everyday Life.

And We’ll Have Dedicated Practice Time, So That When Signs, Vision, And Information Come To You, You Know It.

You Understand Them.

And You Are Able To Actually Act On Them.

How Will We Unlock Your Innate Psychic Gifts Inside Extraordinary

Deep Dives Into The Clairs & Other Tools Of The Craft (Stones, Oils, Herbs, Spells, Etc.)
Practice Readings (Solo & In Pairs/Groups)
Monthly Facebook Lives
Monthly Zoom
Hot Seat Coaching
Direct 1:1 Q&A
Advanced Lessons Every Other Month

See The World With Brand New Eyes

Access The Wisdom Available To You When You Are Guided By A High Priestess With Decades Of Experience Who Is Well-Versed In Bringing Out The Most Potent Powers In Those Who Are Willing To Do The Work


Become The Oracle

Step Into The Magic That’s Been Calling You For Years, Into The Magic You’ve Held So Dear, And Recognize That You Have The Gifts Needed To Help Others Transform


Deeply Connect To The Earth And The Cycles Within

Find Your Rhythm With The Sun, The Moon, The Earth…with The Cosmos Themselves When Nothing Is Held Back From Your Sight, From Your Hearing, From Your Knowing


Yes! This Is Exactly What I Want!

Real Life Testimonials

Transformative journey.

I honor Tahverlee. Force of nature. Mentor and lifelong friend who will comfort me, support me, and give me a kick in the ass when I need it. When we meet she is 100% present to my needs no matter what is happening in the world or her personal life. Her coaching and teachings are reflected in all facets of my life. Just over a year ago, I was at a cross-roads. Now I know all parts of the road are important. Long stretches, winding paths, crossroads, even the ditches. It’s the awareness of all and how you recognize and choose to navigate that makes the difference. That, and the realization that you are never alone.


From TikTok to transformation.

I stumbled across Tahverlee in 2021 on TikTok. I signed up for the High Priestess path and had no idea what I was headed for. This has been one of the most transformative amazing things I have ever done in my life, and is on par with the time I got my law degree. This has heightened and improved every area of my life. I'm now in the next level of the High Priestess program and am blown away at the amount of knowledge Tavherlee imparts. Her programs are truly amazing.

~High Priestess Themis

Embracing authenticity.

There's always been this secret part of me that I was nervous to share with others. But as I've gotten older, that part has become louder and louder, demanding that I let a little bit of my secret self out, explore it, learn about it, and connect with others who believe in things I believe in. I heard Tahverlee on a podcast and immediately knew she was my guide. Working with her has been an incredible experience. The confidence and knowledge I have gained and the insight that I was led to have affected all aspects of my life in such a positive way. I refer to her as my Goth Fairy Godmother, and she truly is. I am excited to continue to learn from Tahverlee and follow her on this journey. She is incredible, and I can't say enough good about her.


Why Am I The Guide For You On This Journey?

Because I Have Been Where You Are

Because I Lead Others Out Of The Space Of Fear And Unknowing

Because I Know The Importance Of Leaning On Your Own Psychic Gifts And The Impact It Will Have On You, Your Loved Ones, Your Community, And The World, At Large

As A High Priestess Who Walks With The Fire Of Athena In Her Veins

As A Conduit Between The Cosmos And The Underworld

I’m Here To Help You Live The Enchanted Life You Deserve By Tapping Into And Developing A Keen Sense Of

Your Extra Senses

Your Psychic Gifts

So That Everything You Want Is Yours

Four Ways to Join Extraordinary

Pay Once ~ Stay For As Long As You Like

3 Payments


Pay $540 Per Month For 3 Months

Join Now!

6 Payments


Pay $290 Per Month For 6 Months

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Pay In Full


Make One Payment of $1500 ..............




Includes Three 1:1 Sessions With Tahverlee

Join Now!

Your Questions ~ Answered

This is a lifetime practice. How much time you need can’t be measured in hours or minutes. How much time you need depends on how well and how quickly you want to develop your gifts. And I know how hard it can be to take time for yourself; that’s why I’ve made sure that we make time for practice inside this group. I don’t want you to leave our call and completely forget everything we talked about until the next one.

The fact that you have a feeling that you would like to take the program anyway is a sign that you DO have gifts that you’re likely overriding. Joining us will help you stop doing that so you can accurately perceive important signs in your life. I can’t tell you how different your world will look when you stop overriding your gifts.

Yes! You will be able to access them whenever you like. From wherever you like. Being able to refer to the calls will be essential in helping you develop your skills as quickly as possible.

Nope. You don’t even have to have held a deck of Tarot cards to do this work successfully. We’re going to have exercises, practice time, and feedback. You’re going to do just fine!

Zoom teachings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month, alternating times between 12:00pm Eastern time and 7:00pm Eastern time.

Facebook group Lives are held on the 4th Tuesday of each month, alternating between 12:00pm Eastern time and 7:00pm Eastern time.

But don't stress..if you miss it, there will always be a recording available for you.

YES! In fact, you’re likely missing a lot of opportunities because you’re not tapped into THE most important part of your business…your higher self! And this is applicable whether your business is reading for others or it is in the world of the mundane. You don’t have to have a spirit-led business to see the effects of this work.

This is an open program. Pay once, stay as long as you like! We will be working in cycles to help keep our knowledge and practice fresh. We’ll start with grounding and protection, go through the journey of the clairs and the tools of the craft; then we’ll come back to grounding and protection, cycling through the rest of the lessons just to keep us fresh and on our toes.

What I can say is this: The more you work the muscles that are your psychic gifts, the better they get. So, if you’re already working with them, this is only going to help strengthen them.

The Extraordinary Life You Crave Follows The Extraordinary Gifts You Develop

Yes! Let Me In!

Join Our LIVE Magical Offering Starting June 13th